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Acceptable Use Policy

Important: to safeguard the enjoyment of our services by all of our users, we require our users (including our participating charities) to agree to and abide by the 7 rules in this code of acceptable conduct (which we refer to as the “AUP”) as a condition of our provision of the services. This AUP is in addition to our terms which can be found at "Terms and conditions".

  • Abide by the law. You must not use our services for any purpose that is illegal or unlawful.
  • User Content. You must ensure that any information which you transmit using the services, including postings of details relating to prizes, suggestions, ideas or other material (referred to as “User Content”) is legal, honest, decent and truthful. You must not use our services to copy, transmit, distribute or store User Content which is obscene, pornographic, lewd, threatening, abusive, libellous, hateful, or encourages or amounts to conduct that would constitute a criminal offence.
  • Respect the property of others. You must ensure that the User Content is owned by you and that you have the right to submit the User Content to us for publication. You must not use our services to copy, transmit, distribute or store User Content where this would infringe our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of any third party.
  • Respect the privacy of others. You must not use our services to collect, store, transmit, transfer or publish personal data which relates to other people (whether or not they are other users of the services) unless you have their consent to do so.
  • Do not harm computer systems. You must not use our services to harm or disrupt any computer device or network belonging to us or any third party, for example, by uploading or distributing content infected by a virus or other malicious code. Furthermore, you must not use our services for the purpose of obtaining unauthorised access to any computer or service. Where you use the services to send information across other networks on the Internet, you must abide by acceptable use policies which may apply to the use of such networks.
  • Personal use. Where you are an individual end user of our services, you agree to use them for your personal non-commercial use only and you further agree not to use the services on behalf of any other person or resupply or distribute the services to any other person.
  • Emails. You must not use the services to send emails which would typically be categorised as ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ by other users. Such emails would include chain or pyramid e-mails (whether or not initiated by you), advertising or marketing emails, bulk or unsolicited e-mails (especially of a commercial nature), malicious e-mail, including, but not limited to, ‘mail bombing’, emails with forged headings or anonymous emails. You must not send e-mails to a person after specifically having been requested not to do so by that person, or by us (which also applies to any automated service that may have been employed) and you must not use the services to provide anonymous re-mailing facilities for others.


It is not our practice to monitor your use of our services, however; we retain the right to monitor use of the services and we may take any action we deem appropriate in relation to any breach of this AUP including removing postings of User Content (including details of prizes and user pages), suspending or terminating access to the services. To report a breach of this AUP please send an email to us at describing the breach.