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Raffle policies

Regulation Policy

Compassion in World Farming conducts the online element of their raffles through CFP Lottery & Raffles Ltd – a registered External Lottery Manager (ELM) licensed by the Gambling Commission. CFP Lottery & Raffles Ltd operate a platform which complies with all relevant codes and remote technical standards.

The ELM (CFP Lottery & Raffles Ltd) operates the payment function and is responsible for the payment of income back to the charity. Ticket and chance distribution records are available for police checks.

Compassion in World Farming will use gambling software (a Random Number Generator (RNG) produced by CFP Lottery and Raffles Ltd which has been approved by the Gambling Commission.

Banking reports are issued by the ELM (CFP Lottery & Raffles Ltd) to an agreed schedule. They will provide contact and payment details of any monies received.

Protection of Customer Funds

All funds from your ticket purchase are credited to a client account held with Natwest on behalf of, which is entirely separate from’s trading accounts. This is a key requirement of the Gambling Commission's licence compliance and is there to protect both you and the charity. When a raffle takes place, proceeds are paid directly from this account to the charity.

Fair and Open Draws

We operate a combined online/offline draw ensuring that each entrant has an equal chance of winning each prize. The draw will be conducted by utilising a Random Number Generator that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved, third party test house in combination with a blind draw in plain sight of staff. The results of the draw are final.

We publish draw results on our website. Rules are also available on our website. Rules and results are always available on request.

There is an additional Charity Complaints Procedure.

Player’s Queries and Complaints Procedure

Telephone complaints                                     

Complaints will be handled by Compassion in World Farming’s Supporter Engagement Team. Any technical issues concerning the online raffle site will be forward to our External Lottery Manager, CFP.

In the event that a telephone or online complaint cannot be resolved by the ELM (CFP) or representatives of Compassion in World Farming, CFP will provide free third party arbitration via IBAS.

All general queries will be logged and held for future reference. Our ELM (CFP) will retain these telephone log sheets for three years and forward copies to us.

Written Complaints

Complaints will be handled by Compassion in World Farming’s Supporter Engagement Team. Any technical issues concerning the online raffle site will be forward to our External Lottery Manager, CFP.

The subsequent logging and resolution procedure is that of telephone complaints. Complaints log sheets and written complaints are retained by our ELM (CFP) for three years.

In the event that a written complaint cannot be resolved by the ELM (CFP) or representatives of Compassion in World Farming, CFP will provide free third party arbitration via IBAS.

All general queries will be logged on the log sheets by the ELM (CFP), shared with us and held for future reference.

Protecting Children and Vulnerable People

The following procedures are designed to exclude underage players (those under 18 years old) from participating in lotteries promoted by Compassion in World Farming:

We do not currently use any cold data but if we did, we would request that all persons under 18 years of age are excluded from the list before being supplied for use in our lotteries. Where possible we check our database to ensure persons are above the legal age limit before data is supplied for use in our lotteries.

Chances may only be purchased once the player has self-certified that they are over 18 years of age.

Any player who provides dishonest information regarding their age automatically forfeits the right to any prize.

Any player that is found to be under 18 years of age will have any monies paid in relation to the lottery returned to them.

Any portals for remote customers will carry a warning before chances are purchased stating that underage gambling is an offence. Customers will then be required to confirm they are of legal age.

The age verification system will be reviewed regularly and we will implement all reasonable improvements that may be made as technology advances and information improves.

Responsible Gambling / Problem Gambling Procedure

The following procedures have been put in place to encourage people to gamble responsibly and seek help should gambling become a problem:

Our website carries information encouraging people to gamble responsibly, and recognise the signs of problem gambling. We also include the National Gambling Helpline and website details for people to refer to should they need further help.

The National Gambling Helpline number and GambleAware website address is included on all tickets and entry forms as well as our website address that includes information on gambling.

Players can request a self-exclusion to be added to the Compassion in World Farming database so that they are removed from further addressed lottery communications including post, telephone, email and SMS. All self-exclusion requests along with the date of the request will be captured on to the record on the Compassion in World Farming database and will be in place for a minimum of six months. All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent any self-excluded individuals participating.

Staff are trained on self-exclusion and will signpost counselling and support services.

A restriction of 60 tickets per customer will be in place unless customer interaction occurs.

Online lotteries are only conducted with an External Lottery Manager (CFP) who is registered with the Gambling Commission (licence number 000-000-584-R-103711-013).

Age Verification Policy

Players must be over the age of 18 to purchase chances.

Players will not be able to proceed to the payment page until they have self-certified that they are over 18 years old.

Once payments have been successfully processed, a confirmation email is sent to entrants confirming their playing status. This email includes a self-certification statement confirming the entrant is over 18 years of age.

If we are unable to verify the age of a player the payment will be returned to the entrant.

Any player who provides dishonest information regarding their age automatically forfeits the right to any prize.

Any player who is found to be under 18 years of age will have any monies paid in relation to the lottery returned to them.